The God thing about fornication

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The thing about fornicating is, that it can leave you devastated mentally and or physically. Devine beings should only have one physical partner or mate, and here is why. THE SCRIPTURES SAY THAT THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE. How can you be my half my partner, my equal when you have less than what you started with to reach harmony with your other half?

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Multiple sexual partners will unbalance you and fill you with unwanted frequency, which is poison to us. It diminishes the whole of life that unique light that we all have diminishes ever so quickly now all that’s left is a beautiful sexy but empty shell of someone who was once alive and vibrant. Let’s get the makeup out. The skin-tight clothes after all, what else can you offer?

There is no excuse for sexual immorality, and I can bet that none of us believe it’s right, even when being paid fiscally or with gifts. We are first made perfect now made corrupted beings with no moral compass to navigate these treacherous times.

I can not tell you how to fix your moral dilemma with your creator. We have all fallen short of the Glory including me, compounded with the fact we are all somewhat emotionally retarded Throat Chakra Blocked but here is a solution to the depression and anxiety and stress including the dis-ease energy wise,


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